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Tours to Karelia in winter 2021-2022

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Snowmobile rental in Karelia

7500 ₽
1 day
December-April (if there is snow)
  • Excursion snowmobiles in Karelia is an active holiday and a good experience
  • We work only with proven snowmobile bases with good equipment and instructors
  • Under Sortavala on base there is even children’s snowmobiles and ad hoc track for skiing (with 4-5 years)
  • Routes from 1 hour to 4 hours. You can ride alone or together on snowmobiles
  • You can not use alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances before the trip
  • Transfer to the snowmobile base is discussed separately

This tour of Karelia involves active recreation and Snowmobiling. At the moment we cooperate with two bases that have proven themselves in the best way in terms of safety and quality of equipment and instruction. One of the bases is located near Sortavala, and the second near Petrozavodsk. The most popular models of snowmobiles are Ski Doo and Lynx.

Dog sledding in Karelia

3800 ₽
1 day
December-April (subject to snow). Check the dates of recruitment in the group Manager
  • Excursion husky in Karelia — it’s not just a trip, and communication with sled dogs and test yourself for patience and strength!
  • Huskies are specially prepared for such races and love their job. Without the races they start to get bored
  • An experienced instructor will teach you the treatment of animals and the rules of team management
  • You can not use alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances before the trip
  • You can not tease and hurt dogs! Remember that to drive a flock of healthy voskopodobnoe evil dogs in the dead and deserted forest — bad omen!
  • Transfer to the snowmobile base is discussed separately

This tour in Karelia is held daily in the presence of snow and suitable weather conditions for the races. There are several routes that vary in length. The easiest is about 1 kilometer. For those who do not want to ride, but loves to communicate with husky dogs, you can just buy an entrance ticket to the kennel and spend as much time in it as you want.

Airplane to Solovki from St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)

1000000 ₽
1-2 days
On request at any time of the year

New Year in Karelia (3 days)

25000 - 200000 ₽
2-8 days
New Year Holidays

(Русский) Рождество на Валааме

4 days

The reindeer sleigh ride

4500 ₽
4-5 day
December-April (subject to snow). Check the dates of recruitment in the group Manager
  • Deer tour in Karelia is an interesting trip that will suit everyone!
  • You can not use alcohol, drugs and psychotropic substances before the trip
  • You can not tease and hurt deer! They get upset
  • Transfer to the base is discussed separately

Reindeer riding is enjoyed by adults and children. This tour in Karelia can also be combined with a visit to the Karelian Santa Claus Talvi Ukko, who receives guests all year round in his residence.

Winter Fishing in Karelia

25000 ₽
4-8 hours
January to March on request

Daily excursions to Karelia

from 1800 ₽
1 day
Dates on request
Snowmobile rental in Karelia

1 day 7500 ₽

Dog sledding in Karelia

1 day 3800 ₽

Airplane to Solovki from St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg)

1-2 days 1000000 ₽

New Year in Karelia (3 days)

2-8 days 25000 - 200000 ₽

(Русский) Туры на Соловки зимой на самолете из СПБ (Рождество, Крещение, 23 февраля, 8 марта, Пасха и другие даты)

3-4 days 1200000 ₽

(Русский) Новый год на Валааме

4 days 19000-35000 ₽

(Русский) Рождество на Валааме


The reindeer sleigh ride

4-5 day 4500 ₽

Winter Fishing in Karelia

4-8 hours 25000 ₽

Get in touch!
Sergey Lugovoy

Prepare individual programs, work with corporate and VIP clients

Contact for partnership

Contacts: +7 (921) 228-04-72 WhatsApp, Telegram
Email: polaraurora@yandex.ru (Mark letter as VIP)
Ksenia Trofimova

Help to choose a tour to Karelia and Solovki

Work with requests from foreign clients

Cooperation with foreign partners

Contacts: +7 (911) 958-85-14 WhatsApp, Telegram
Email: polaraurora@yandex.ru

Additional info

Tourist complex in Karelia in winter

Rest in Karelia implies a privacy with nature in a nice house on the shore of a small lake and, of course, a bath or sauna. And there are plenty of such places in Karelia. In the Republic there are about 300 bases more guest houses that are ready to welcome fans of the Russian […]

Helicopter flight to Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki

Tourist club “polar Aurora” offers an unforgettable helicopter flight from St. Petersburg to the Holy places. We take a responsible approach to the safety and comfort of our tourists, we offer you modern helicopters for flights to Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki, as well as for routes in Karelia, which can be agreed on an individual basis. […]

Очень плохоПлохоСреднеХорошоОтлично (7 оценок, среднее: 5.00 из 5)

Rest in Karelia in winter is fundamentally different from holidays in other places of our vast country. This is silence, calmness and almost complete absence of people. All over the territory of Karelia, and so only 700,000 people live. But if you move 20 kilometers away from a large city, then you will not meet anyone for the whole day.
The main types of leisure during the rest in Karelia in winter are baths and fishing. Every year, thousands of fishing enthusiasts spend the New Year, February and March holidays, settling down on the Karelian reservoirs next to the hole. And in the evening these same fishermen take a steam bath or warm themselves in Finnish saunas. Many also come with their families. And while the head of the family is fishing, the spouse and children can take a walk, ski or go on an excursion.
Another type of recreation in Karelia in winter is excursions. Fortunately, there is something to see. Ruskeala, Kizhi, Valaam, Kivach, Marcial Waters, Bastion, Kinerma, Rubcheila, White bridges, Konevets. These are just the main routes. For more active types of recreation in Karelia in winter, snowmobiles and alpine skis are provided. Of course, there are no ski resorts in the direct sense in the region, but there are several good ski slopes where adults and children can ride. But there are husky sled dogs and reindeer appeared not so long ago. In some places there is also an open-air zoo, where tigers, bison and other animals are found. So you can spend your vacation in Karelia in the company of cute animals. Keeping a husky sled dog at home is a horror, and in the Karelian open spaces it is the place for it.
For recreation in Karelia in winter, you need to choose a suitable hostel. Fortunately, there are no questions with this. There are several thousand offers of tourist centers, individual cottages and hotels on the territory of the republic. The most expensive options are located on the Karelian Isthmus from St. Petersburg to Sortavala. Every year this area becomes more and more popular.
And what kind of rest in Karelia in winter is without good food? Just recently, the region was able to reach certain heights in this matter. Almost every hotel has its own restaurant not only with European, but also with local cuisine. And in each place, these dishes are different, so you can arrange a gastronomic tour, comparing where and what is tastier.
The most successful time for recreation in Karelia in winter is the period from mid-December to early April. It all depends on the layer of snow and ice conditions. Recently, there have been winters when the ice on the Onega and Ladoga lakes rose by the end of February. Perhaps global warming is causing it. However, lakes usually freeze over by mid-January. Already at the end of December, small reservoirs are quite suitable for the passage of medium-sized equipment and walking on them.
If you are planning a vacation in Karelia during the winter holidays, it is better to take care of finding a place and booking in advance. For New Year’s holidays in the most popular tourist centers, booking begins in mid-September. And in December it is already very difficult to find something worthwhile. The same goes for excursions. For example, at the end of November in Ruskeala there are practically no places left for excursions during the New Year period.
The Polar Aurora travel club annually helps hundreds of tourists to organize their holidays in Karelia in winter. We are waiting for your applications!