The most popular place for winter fishing in Karelia is Lake Onega. The ice cover on it becomes suitable for hovercraft use from January. By February, it becomes possible to organize fishing directly from Petrozavodsk. Often, guests combine fishing and a trip to the Kizhi island. After visiting the monuments, you can go fishing for an hour or two. It is more profitable and more interesting.
The second option is snowmobile fishing. Fishing in winter in Karelia is included in multi-day snowmobile tours, which are also posted on our website. The meaning is the same. During the move, the group stops at one of the lakes, drills holes and catches fish (roach or perch). Next, the fish soup is prepared from the caught fish.
COST: The cost of fishing in Karelia in winter ranges from 15,000 to 55,000 rubles per trip. A more accurate cost depends on the wishes of the fishermen. It is possible to organize a two-day or three-day fishing tour.