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Book a speedboat Kem – Solovki – Kem

Since 2017, the tourist club “Polar Aurora” has a service of delivering passengers to Solovki from Kem by high-speed boats (travel time from 40 minutes to an hour). Why is this service good? You do not have to be tied to the regular motor ships Kem – Solovki – Kem and board the boat at any time convenient for you. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ” The boats are modern and comfortable and have everything you need for short sea journeys.

The rental price, of course, is higher than the cost of travel on a ship, but not by a very large amount. For this small overpayment, you will receive an unforgettable walk along the White Sea in the company of your friends, and the captain of the boat can slightly change the route if you wish. If you have lagged behind the regular motor ship from Solovki, and you really need to get on the train, this service will also be relevant for you. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it.

Preliminary cost: from 20,000 to 45,000 per boat one way on the Kem – Solovki route or back. Passenger capacity of vessels: from 4 to 15 people.

You can order tickets for the boat Kem – Solovki – Kem in the tourist club “Polar Aurora”. Call: +79212280471, +79212280472 or send your application by e-mail polaraurora@yandex.ru.

Note: if there is a boat on the route Kem – Solovki – Kem and the client confirms the application, an advance payment of 100% of the final cost is made. We also ask you to take into account the fact that boats can go out to sea under favorable weather conditions. In case of cancellation of the trip, the client is refunded for the services not yet provided. The tourist club is not responsible for bad weather. In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it.


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